The Source - Hawthorne Light Rail Bus Shelter, Transport for NSW
The design explores the theme of Iron Cove Creek, its significance for Aboriginal people and its role as habitat. The designern uses native flora imagery to reflect this.
Artist: Dr. Bronwyn Bancroft
Arts Management - Guppy & Associates.
Bronwyn Bancroft
United we stand, divided we fail the future was created by collaboration between Bronwyn Bancroft and Dale Jones-Evans with input from the local community. This bright ‘fence’ forms a backdrop to the Hugo Street Reserve in Redfern.
The work depicts Bronwyn’s many-coloured custodian forms representing the spirits of the land protecting the people now. Dale Jones-Evans’ laser cut screens make a kind of foliage of abstracted filtered light patterns.
This work was commissioned as part of the City’s upgrade of Hugo Street Reserve. Local children were involved in painting the spirit forms, which were developed as stencils .

Photography by Sharon Hickey.